About Us
Helping great brands deliver on their promise since 2014
Helping companies engage their front-line staff, contractors and suppliers to digitize their information collection programs, strengthen their lines of defense and improve their business controls, mitigate risks and enable much more cost-effective auditing.
Recognition and Awards
Since its registration in 2014, Iristrace has received numerous recognitions and awards.

- Project incubated at StartupBootCamp Amsterdam in 2014.

- Pitch Winner at Maastricht Entrepreneurship Week

- IESE Venture Forum as one of the 10 best projects presented in 2015 and 2016

- Startup with the fastest growth award by El Economista

- Winner of the BBooster Week in May 2016

- Best Digital Project 2019 MIA Award

- Selected as one of the top 6 Startups in GRC by SAP.io

- Winner of the COMPRENDEDOR awards of Bankia and Empresa y Sociedad in 2019 together with Ohmycut!

- Winner of the COMPRENDEDOR awards from Bankia and Empresa y Sociedad together with the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona.