Iristrace as a solution for Carrefour Retail

Today we talk to you about Carrefour, one of the most important clients that are going to attend Viva Technology Paris where the unique mission is to bring the world’s most innovative startups together with the major global players in digital transformation.

Carrefour Group is the leading retailer in Europe and the second-largest retailer in the world, employing nearly 365,000 people. With 10,860 stores in 34 countries. As a multi-local, multi-format, and multi-channel retailer, Carrefour welcomes more than 10 million customers around the world.

Innovation has been a real pillar of Carrefour’s business development: creativity is encouraged at all levels within the Group with a view to enhancing customer experience across the various store formats and numerous channels via which it operates. Carrefour has entered into partnerships with startups from a range of different sectors that help them to be innovative. One of these startups is Iristrace.


We help Carrefour to check that everything is correct in the store’s planogram. The challenge that Carrefour face is that as a multi-local, multi-format, and multi-channel retailer it is very difficult for them to analyse and solve problems or issues, taking a lot of time to solve them.

With Iristrace thanks to the possibility to take pictures, documentation, add comments etc… the responsible of each area knows what is happening in the store in real time, giving them the full perspective of the store reducing the time to solve issues.

Carrefour uses Iristrace to:

  • Check the situation of their stores
  • Control issues and solve problems in real time
  • Make a follow-up of those issues (if had been solved, by whom, how much time it took…)
  • Branding control

Interested in knowing what Iristrace can do for you?


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