New menu and Sub-Department in iristrace - Iristrace


In the update of this month, we bring you quite a few new features. We launch your #1 request: Create Sub-Departments!
During the next days, all the users will have active on their accounts this new version: web app and mobile app. We are waiting for your feedback!!

Let’s start!

New system of Departments and Sub-Department

This is the most requested feature: the possibility of creation subdepartments in Iristrace for best organization of teams and processes in Iristrace. These sub-departments are:

  • Separate of the departments. If a user belongs to a sub-department isn’t able to see the checklists of his ‘father’ Department.
  • You can turn your existing departments into sub-departments and create new sub-departments assigning them to departments already created.
  • Assign specific users to sub-departments


We have also improved the way of managing tags, and now you can nest tags & assign colors you want.

On the department section, you will see the new tab: ‘Media’ in which you have all the images that have been uploaded to each checklist. Filter by positive, negative and ideas photos. You will be able to download them all in file . (This tab only will be available to administrator users)

system of tags

New Menu

As you’ve seen in the pictures above… have a new menu! We’ve changed the menu from the left margin of the screen to the top, offering more space on the screen to view the checklist and dashboards.

Default search filters

In the checklist tab, you can now save your default filters. Set your search and click on ‘save search’, it will appear above of the tags list on the left, and can pick it when you need it.

Default search filters

Dashboard new features

  • Will be able to order the tabs of the panels.
  • Each graph shows a legend with the information of the filters you have applied.
  • Will be able to order the columns of the tables by ascending or descending
  • Add a temporary line on the graphic’s axes

Dashboard new features


We have added the chance of duplicate users copying all its info into the new one: assigned departments, workflows and tags. In addition, if you ever need to delete one of them, if it has any specific workflow, Iristrace will ask you which user is going to inherit it.

If you find any problem, detect bugs or have any doubts, let us know in or calling us to +34 96 684 51 15.


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