Start with defining one or more action plan templates. This action plan template will be used to create follow-up action items. If you have more than one, the user will be able to select which action plan template to use for each action. Our recommendation is to keep these templates short and quick to complete.
The following video shows an example of how the template editor is used to create an action plan. Note that the template needs to get identified as an action plan template, so don’t forget to check the box! You can create as many templates of action plans as you need, to cover different types of actions, or actions that are specific to departments, machineries, buildings, etc…
The full flexibility of the Iristrace template editor is available to design your template: use text questions to describe the context of the action and the proposed solution, use number type questions for post-intervention measurements, or multiple or single choice questions to pick from list items, or ‘smileys’ to measure the feedback after resolution.
With that preparation, your Iristrace account is ready to use the action plan feature. All action plan templates will show up in the templates tab and can be filtered using the ‘Action plans only’ button.

And now, how can we use the action plans to notify the responsible person that there are pending points to solve? It’s super easy. In the following video you can see how, as we are answering a checklist in Iristrace, an incident arises and an action plan is created directly in the question. In this action plan, we:
- add the person we want to assign the action to;
- select the action plan template;
- provide a title so that we can identify our action later;
- enter a description that helps us understand what happened;
- set a plan date for the action, to indicate when the action is scheduled to start;
- set an overdue date which will help us control in combination with the status indicator which actions are solved (or not) within the given timeframe.
Now that you have seen the introduction video, we hope that you find the action planning feature simple and effective and that it will help you much in your daily processes. Don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your specific use case.
Schedule a demo with our team of success consultants, they will help you configure it: